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Visit Biosecurity on the Farm - Guidelines & Resources for Developing a Biosecurity Plan
Visit Biofouling Prevention and Management in the Marine Aquaculture Industry
Biofouling Prevention and Management in the Marine Aquaculture Industry
This report addresses biofouling management in relation to marine aquaculture industry operations, equipment and infrastructure. It covers shellfish, finfish and seaweed operations in estuaries and seawater. It does not address freshwater aquaculture activities.2022UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Visit Algae Technology Educational Consortium (ATEC)
Visit The Algae Foundation
Visit Maine Seaweed Exchange
Visit Research, Development and Education Priorities for the Aquaculture Sector in Maine
Visit Maine Seaweed Council
Visit Northeastern U.S. Aquaculture Management Guide: A manual for the identification and management of aquaculture production hazards
Visit Kelp Farming Manual: A Guide to the Processing, Techniques, and Equipment for Farming Kelp in New England Waters
Visit Marine Aquaculture Species for the Northeast