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Visit Upcoming Aquaculture Public Meetings, Hearings, and Scoping Sessions
Visit Maine Aquaculture Harvest, Lease, and License (LPA) Data
Visit Biosecurity on the Farm - Guidelines & Resources for Developing a Biosecurity Plan
Visit Biofouling Prevention and Management in the Marine Aquaculture Industry
Biofouling Prevention and Management in the Marine Aquaculture Industry
This report addresses biofouling management in relation to marine aquaculture industry operations, equipment and infrastructure. It covers shellfish, finfish and seaweed operations in estuaries and seawater. It does not address freshwater aquaculture activities.2022UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Visit OceanReports
This web-based, report-centric tool provides coastal and ocean planners with a high-level analysis for their custom-drawn area of interest. It provides summary statistics and infographics for six main topics: general information, energy and minerals, natural resources and conservation, oceanographic and biophysical, transportation and infrastructure, and economics and commerce.2022NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, NOAA Office for Coastal Management, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Visit Social License to Operate in the Aquaculture Industry: A Community-Focused Framework
Visit Algae Technology Educational Consortium (ATEC)
Visit Farming the Sea: The Men and Women of Maine Aquaculture
Visit The Algae Foundation
Visit The Potential of Seaweed as Livestock Feed: 2020 Workshop Series Outcomes
Visit Maine Seaweed Exchange