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Visit Mussel Aquaculture in the Northeast
Visit How to Install a Soft-shell Clam Farm
Visit Disinfection for used shellfish equipment
Visit Best Management Practices for the East Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Industry
Visit Best Practices for the East Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Industry
Visit Clam Kit: Simple Shellfish Management Tools - Part 1: Introduction & Overview
Visit How a High Tech Mussel Farm Harvests 7,000 Pounds of Mussels per Day
Visit Optimizing Production and Products for Scallop Aquaculture
Visit Oyster Production Equipment Comparisons 2016–2018
Oyster Production Equipment Comparisons 2016–2018
The report provides information on commercially relevant aspects of oyster production gear associated with each equipment type employed including, BST™ Crosshatch, BST™ Longline, OysterGro, Rack and Bag, & Seapa™. They tracked oyster survival, growth by season, shell morphology, worm presence, and cost estimates.2020Maryland Sea Grant, University of Maryland
Visit Storm and Hurricane Preparedness for Off-Bottom Oyster Aquaculture
Visit Edible Seaweed Market Analysis
Visit Potential Gear Coatings as a Mitigation Technique for Invertebrate Predators of Aquacultured Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica)
Visit Methods and Materials for Aquaculture Production of Sea Scallops (Placopecten magellanicus)